Saturday 17 March 2012

VPN subset of RAT

Policy control. The term policy refers to a broad set ofparameters controlling IWCM behavior. Such policiesare predominantly defined by service providers, andcan be classified into the broad categories of static (preconfigured at the UE) or dynamic. As a matter of serviceprovider policy, some limited number of user preferences may also be allowed. The list of policy parametersincludes, but is not limited to, the following: Policies to configure only a subset of RAT adaptersto be controlled by IWCM under the virtualadapter, resulting in a multi-homed UE interfaceconfiguration, with seamless inter-technologyhandoffs only between the subset of the interfaces grouped under the virtual adapter. Access network discovery and (re-) selection relatedpolicies, including information available from theANDSF server, preconfigured network selectionpreferences, handover trigger inputs (signal qualityrange thresholds), and scanning parameters. Mobility mode and options to be used by the specific RAT (client based mobility with CMIP or network based mobility) and IP version (IPv4, IPv6,or dual stack IPv4v6). Optional (service provider allowed) user preferences(e.g., manual handover with user intervention

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