Sunday 18 March 2012

VPN in Mobile IP

drastically reduced round-trip time and the removal of a queueing point which exists at the home agent in Mobile IP. The shortening of the packet path reduces the average round-trip time as there are fewer hops to cover. The removal of the packet relay reduces the variance of round-trip time which - in Mobile IP - is influenced by momentary load associated with packet forwarding for other nodes.Community in the N2N sense refers to a set of participating hosts which elect to be part of the community by maintaining registrations with the community supernodes. The uses of such communities are many. The pattern describes the internal communications of most small businesses, peer groups, affiliations, etc. N2N provides a LAN extension to a mobile community. No matter where a participating host roams to and what transport it uses, it remains a member of the N2N L2 network. Traditional road-warrior setups depend on client-server models with the mobile host being the client. Network security and resource access rely heavily on this model making it difficult to provide true peer-to-peer applications. Indeed the availability  and uptakeof true peer-to-peer applications may be hindered by the difficulty in providing such applications across network boundaries. N2N provides an enabling technology for true peer-to-peer IP communications models such as push-to-talk type conferencing, information synchronisation by push (rather than pull-from-server) or by broadcast. Being a direct peer-to-peer technology N2N scales much better than solutions such as Mobile IP which rely on a single point of packet aggregation and forwarding [32]. The N2N model makes use of the supernodes only when required - typically at the time when a host must be contacted but its location is unknown. The supernode has minimal participation in packet delivery and as such is not a limiting factor on hostto-host round-trip time or throughput.

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