Wednesday 21 March 2012

bandwidth Italy VPN

We evaluate a more extreme scenario where the top 35%of popular movies are replaced by new content in a givenweek. Since a 10Mbps broadcast channel can only re-supply15% of total content stored in the neighborhood in a week,the remaining 20% are not going to be in the neighborhood.However, because the replication service prioritizes popularcontent, movies that are not locally stored are relatively lesspopular. In this case, our 24-hour experimental result showsthat the average access network bandwidth saving is 43%. Thisbandwidth reduction is only 7 percentage points lower than thedesired target placement because the remaining 20% of newpopular movies must come from the video server. Thus, evenwith a major shift in popularity, the system remains effectiveby prioritizing the popular content.Overall performance. In the steady state, the ISP's bandwidth Italy VPN is used for on-demand content that is not stored in theneighborhood and for replicating new content into the neighborhood to accommodate popularity changes. We simulate aneighborhood of 500 homes, in which one channel is allocatedfor demand fetching and two additional channels are dedicated to pushing new content into the neighborhood. The results areshown in Figure 8. w/o NaN shows the amount of bandwidthused to serve 500 homes using only the video server. w/NaN is the bandwidth demand when the content is pre-seededaccording to the target placement. w/ NaN + content updateshows the aggregate bandwidth of w/ NaN plus two broadcastchannels used to update the neighborhood storage. Note thatthese additional pre-fetch channels do not add to the ISP'scosts as they only affect average bandwidth consumption; infact, they trade average bandwidth for a dramatic reduction inpeak bandwidth: Our approach reduces the peak bandwidththat ISPs have to provision by 44% (from 2100Mbps to1159Mbps), even with the two broadcast channels. With ISPdynamic channel allocation, ISPs can deallocate the broadcastchannel during the peak hours and achieve 45% savings inpeak bandwidth. The 95 percentile bandwidth was reducedby 45% (from 1890Mbps to 1037Mbps), and the averagebandwidth by 46% (from 651Mbps to 1197Mbps).

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