Tuesday 19 March 2013

Why do Labour supporters claim Nick Clegg and Lib Dems have betrayed the progressive movement?

So after Labour abolished Clause 4, were complicit in torture, invaded Iraq, tried to implement ID cards, increased CCTV, increased taxes on the poorest, brought in control orders, extradited people to Guantanamo Bay, lied openly and were sleezy and highly corrupt, apparently it is actual the LIB DEMS

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

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