Saturday 30 March 2013

How do you customize your secondary blog on tumblrs new layout?

Tumblr has recently changed its layout and I want to customize my second blog but I can't find the settings or customizing button anywhere for me to change its theme. Help please.

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Monday 25 March 2013

How to rescale a 1:200 plan to 1:50 and print it out on different A4 sheets?

Hi. I have a pdf map scale 1:200 if print on A1 sheet. I need to convert it to 1:50 and print on A4 sheets as many as required.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
Thank you

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Sunday 24 March 2013

How do you do a high D to E trill on flute?

Just so you know when i say high D i mean the 3rd octave one and the E just above it.

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Thursday 21 March 2013

Why does the guy from the soup always bag on Ryan Seacrest?

I think they both look like each other, but why does the guy from the soup always make a joke of ryan?

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Why do Labour supporters claim Nick Clegg and Lib Dems have betrayed the progressive movement?

So after Labour abolished Clause 4, were complicit in torture, invaded Iraq, tried to implement ID cards, increased CCTV, increased taxes on the poorest, brought in control orders, extradited people to Guantanamo Bay, lied openly and were sleezy and highly corrupt, apparently it is actual the LIB DEMS

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Is it possible to set as a goal for the rest of the world to live an American consumer lifestyle?

Is it possible and important to set as a goal for the rest of the world to live a consumer lifestyle on a par with the United States?
Is this up to Americans to decide?
Why or why not?

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Wednesday 13 March 2013

How to upload a notepad html file to website?

Hi guys how do i upload a html file that i made to the following:

1) My wordpress? (My domain on hostgator with wordpress installed).

2) A domain that hasn't anything done to it yet?

Thank you.

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Tuesday 12 March 2013

What is the best way to stop a family from breaking apparent because of arguments ?

Well without getting into to much detail. Me and my family are starting to get issues because of how much me and my parents argue. I was wondering how I could get some sort of help to stop the arguments before it get serious.

By help I mean like Therapeutic and etc
I am 14 so please nothing too hard >.<

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Saturday 9 March 2013

What happens on the Shankill road on St Patricks day?

I know that may sound a weird question. But what happens? What is the mood like? Are there St Patrick DAy displays in the shops? Are there groups of angry loyalists looking for CAtholics to fight with, and visa versa? Is the atmosphere edgy? Happy? Many thanks.

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Friday 8 March 2013

What is the best water to put in your tank?

Like tap water, boiled water, bottled water etc. RO systems are dear, are there any cheap systems that work well.

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Thursday 7 March 2013

What happens if a student can' t get to college for their exam because of weather?

What happens if a student genuinely can't make it to school/college because it's been snowing and the buses aren't running and you can't get the car out of the drive and they have an exam first thing that morning? I have an exam on friday morning and there's potentially going to be snow. There was snow on monday and the bus was 50 minutes late, meaning I missed nearly all of my first lesson. What if this were to happen on a day where I have an exam first thing in the morning? It would be so embarrassing to walk into the exam hall 50 minutes late. Also, what would happen if the buses weren't running and therefore I couldn't make the exam at all? Please help, so worried about missing my exam!

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Tuesday 5 March 2013

How can I stop a constant nuisance text on my mobile phone?

it's from a "Carter Forbes" threatening to take necessary action against me if I don't pay my debt to him or them. Of course, I have no debt and have never seen the name before. I hardly use my mobile, few people even know my number and it's fairly new.

What is a VPN?

VPN is (Virtual Private Network) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia…).

Saturday 2 March 2013

How to watch sohu free movie video in India

How to watch sohu free movie video in India

How to watch sohu free movie video in India
China-based Tudou is among the most popular video-sharing websites worldwide. Sohu video serves seven million users daily and it represents more than 50% of all video traffic in China.Sohu video is very good at sailing with the wind in the online video sector, as it always take the suitable action at the appropriate time. This is the reason why it has dealt deftly with issues such as copyright protection and rising fees for films and television series when the arose. Sohu is also the industry leader in importing U.S. Television series.
However, access to Tudou outside China might be blocked because of internet censorship, which is the case with many social networks in China.
More likely, access is blocked because of regional legal agreements regarding content. When you try to access Tudou outside China, Tudous servers identify your IP address coming from a foreign location and they then block or slow access. I know that from the US, many of the movies I could watch on Tudou in China are blocked even though the videos are still available.
It is possible to unblock access to Tudou from anywhere by changing your IP address. Virtual private network services, or VPNs, are a good solution for getting access to streaming websites. Streaming requires substantial bandwidth so choose a VPN with unlimited bandwidth. You can find a handful online and register with them for a small monthly fee. The right VPN service will provide you with aChinese IP addressto access Tudou outside China, regardless of your current location. That means that you can access Tudou virtually anywhere. After a couple of minutes access is unblocked for streaming websites anywhere, legally, permanently and with great results.
As one of the most popular video websites in China, Youku is available for you to watch hundreds of movies and TV series online free.Watch sohu Outside China
But all those videos are only available for Mainland China, as what you can see from the following image:
Luckily, where theres a will theres always a way, you can definitely watch Sohu outside China.
What you need is China VPN account !
buy cheap vpn at vpntraffic